SECTION A: Household Pet Information
Registration Type:
* Litter Number: (HHP)
Cats Date of Birth:
If you do not know the cats actual birthdate,please choose a date that you feel represents the cats age. Birthdates do not need to be exact.
Litter Pin Number:
Provided by the breeder of the litter. (If you are the breeder, you will find the PIN number on the blue litter certificate)
If you do not provide a PIN number at this time, the cat will be registered on the certificate as (Not for Breeding).
SECTION B: Name Choices
Household Pet names are limited to 35 characters.
* Cats Name:
SECTION C: Owner Information
Note: Please provide the owner(s) full name (First Name [Given Name] and Last Name [Family Name]) if possible, and full postal address. CFA may adjust the owner(s) name length to fit the certificate. Failure to provide complete information may result in the cancellation of your application.
* Owner Name(s):
* Street Address:
* City:
* Country:
* State:
* Zip/Postal Code: (For countries without a Zip/Postal code, please enter "None")
* Phone Number:
* Email Address:
* Confirm Email Address:
Section D: Cats Information
* Color of Cat:
* Sex:
* I would like to receive email from CFA about special offers: